King of the Hill

Now, we come to one that is definitely in my top 10 of Adrien’s performances.


Cast: Jeroen Krabbe’, Lisa Eichhorn, Karen Allen, Spalding Gray, Elizabeth McGovern, and Jesse Bradford as Aaron (featuring: Adrien Brody, Amber Benson, Katherine Heigl and Lauren Hill)

Written by: A.E. Hotchner (memoir), Steven Soderbergh (screenplay)

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh

Genre: Drama, Biography/History

Running Time: 1 hour, 43 minutes

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Released: August 20, 1993 (U.S.)

King of the Hill is, to use an overused phrase: a powerful film.

It gives you an unflinching look into The Great Depression (a time of great economic hardship in the 1930s) from a young man’s perspective.

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