The Village

Noah and Ivy

Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody, William Hurt, Brendan Gleeson, Sigourney Weaver, Jayne Atkinson, Cherry Jones, Judy Greer, Fran Kranz, Michael Pitt, Jesse Eisenberg…

Written and Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan

Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Drama

Running Time: 1 hour, 48 minutes

Released: July 26, 2004 (U.S.)

MPAA Rating: PG-13


It’s difficult to tell you much about The Village without spoilers, so I will be vague, and put most of my focus on Adrien’s performance.

The safest synopsis I can give you is: People in an isolated community live their lives according to specific rules handed down by the elders. However, younger residents seek to challenge said rules for the good of others.

There, I think that’s a general enough summary.

Continue reading “The Village”

“A Sorta Fairytale” – Tori Amos


As it turns out, this video was released prior to The Singing Detective. Oops.

Cast: Tori Amos, Adrien Brody

Songwriter: Tori Amos

From the album: Scarlet’s Walk

Video Director: Sanji

Released: 2002


What can I say about this music video (or short film, if you prefer Michael Jackson’s terminology)? It’s “weird” on first viewing, but once you see it all and re-watch, it is much more effective. And touching.

Tori Amos is a (very lovely) head on a leg, Adrien Brody is a (very lovely) head on an arm. They meet and get all “love at first sight” with each other.  He hurts her feelings and she flees. They reunite on a beach. They kiss. Both sprout more limbs and become fully human.

My opinion is that it’s meant to be a quite literal interpretation of the phrase “you complete me.” It’s artsy, and kind of sweet… in a creepy sort of way.

Another note:

This video (with some bonus features) is actually available on DVD, in case you’d like to own it (you know I do).


Video Overall: 6/10
Brody Performance: 7/10, I’d say

The Video


The Singing Detective

Adrien as “first hood.”

Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Robin Wright, Jeremy Northam, Katie Holmes, Mel Gibson, Carla Gugino, Alfre Woodard, Saul Rubinek, Adrien Brody, Jon Polito

Written by: Dennis Potter (based on the television series of the same name)

Directed by: Keith Gordon

Genre: Dark Comedy, Crime, Musical… also sort of Film Noir

Running Time: 1 hour, 49 minutes

Release: January 17, 2003 (Sundance Film Festival)

MPAA Rating: R


Robert Downey Jr. stars as Dan Dark, a writer being treated for the physical and emotional challenges of a rare skin condition. He basically lives a second [imagined?] life as an alter-ego based upon his books: The Singing Detective (hence the title). It’s part film noir, part musical (though, no one actually sings, they lip sync to classic tunes), part comedy, part tragedy, part very… unique story. Downey does very well in both roles, as one would expect. I’ve yet to see him give a disappointing performance.

Fun fact:

The Singing Detective‘s director, Keith Gordon was once an actor. You may remember him as (main character) Arnie in the possessed anthropomorphic car thriller, Christine. At least, that’s where I best remember him. I think having a director who also acts is really great, because they know about the process and how to motivate people.

Continue reading “The Singing Detective”