Ten Benny

also known as Sweet Jersey, occasionally known as Nothing to Lose


Cast: Adrien Brody, Michael Gallagher, Sybil Temchen, Tony Gillan, James E. Moriarty, Lisa Roberts Gillan, Frank Vincent.

Written & Directed by: Eric Bross

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 1 hour, 48 minutes

Released: April 9, 1995

MPAA Rating: R

Ten Benny is one of those films that is kind of hit and miss. It comes close to greatness many times, but comes close to cheesy nearly as often.

Adrien’s Role: Ray Diglovanni Jr.

On paper, our main character, Ray (Adrien Brody) is… well… an a**h***. The relationship with his long-suffering girlfriend, Joanne, is a troubling one. He seems to have little to no respect for his father (although that changes some), he fails his friends at every turn, and he basically uses his job as a way to make connections for his gambling addiction. Continue reading “Ten Benny”